Friday, June 21, 2013

A photo can capture so many different words when looking at a photo. It can capture that specific moment of that specific time. In terms of capturing a moment, that's what we do, we take photos as mental notes for the future. Photographs are something that are looked upon for the past, they remind us of the moments that have went by, and they make us remember that specific moment. Life goes so fast that it's hard to capture every single moment of course, but the special moments such as weddings, birthdays, concerts, etc. These are the type of moments that matter, and are usually recorded by people. The most special aspect of a photo is bringing you back to that certain moment. Reminiscing on the moment that matters is what life is about. Of course we need to look toward the future and enjoy what we got, but it's always good to have that photo to look back on the good times that you had during that time. For me capturing photos of my shows are something that I always make sure we do. For this reason is because when I'm older with a family I want to look back on my college years, and say I did that. I was in a band I played all around town and I entertained people with my music. I love the reactions that people get when watching us, and that's something to capture in a photo.

A Photo says a 1000 words.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

A photo can have so many different points of view and interpretations that are presented just to the naked eye. People who are at the scene. The action in the scene, as well as the people engaged in the photo. There are so many different elements that are taken for granted when taking a photo. We really don't think about the actual original value of the photo, we just snap, and move on to the next sequence of events that happen. Photos are able to capture what exactly happened at that point in time. It gives the person looking at it a visual of the presentation during that time. Not only does it create questions, but it also creates a confusion of what is going on at that exact time. Of course the people that are in the photo don't get the same aura that the one who wasn't there. But that's the difference that drives people to take photos. In Walter Benjamin's essay "The Work of Art in the Age of Reproduction", he writes "One might subsume the eliminated element in the term 'aura' and go on to say: that which writers in the age of mechanical reproduction is the aura of the work of art". It's that sense of "I have record of that event in my life", and I will always remember it because it's there to look at. So go out, take photos of your friends, family, parties, etc. Because one moment were here, and then were gone the next. So take record of your life, and enjoy it by looking at that photo, and reliving that certain event.

A Photo has a Million Questions...

Thursday, June 6, 2013

1823 Portland Avenue is where it all started. Mike and I had grown up together and were playing music for awhile now, but just the music itself. No other factors or elements were in play...yet. As we moved in, the house was perfect, plenty of room to play our crazy rock, funk music that we loved. The one issue at hand was the neighbors, and if they were going to accept us playing so loud. 1823 was home for us now. The irony of the house was that my name "Steve-O" was engraved in the cement of my lot, as well as my sisters nickname "Slim". It was weird, I couldn't think of any other reason why this house was perfect for the development of BOH. In Heart of Darkness Mr. Kurtz loses his sensibility of where home is and where he belongs. One day, a man knocks on the door. Danny was his name, he was a native to the city and was a fellow neighbor across the street. His roommate Barak could sing his lungs out. We didn't force Barak to do anything, we just wanted to jam and play music, and so we did. The music was becoming organized and it was actually becoming art. This art had to be exposed, we were just missing the backbone to this process...the bass. And so there was Tido. Tido's actual name was James but everyone called him Tido, he was a native as well. Barak had played with him in previous bands, so we invited him over to 1823. That first time we all played together as unit was insane. The music was just coming out like it was emotion bottled up in our bodies ready to unleash. The music continues, but now we show people, we entertain the public, and we love it. 1823 is where it all started, and it's definitely home for me.

What is Home?

Sunday, June 2, 2013

We as a society are surrounded by music constantly, and this text is something that shifts us to move the way we do, perform the actions that we do everyday. In other words, without the essence of music, our world that we live in would be plain. Our heart consists of a pulse, and that pulse is music. We as people move to the beat everyday. Now that we are in the 21st Century, music is at our fingertips and can be attained in any matter that we choose. Music also has the ability to express ourselves in any manner possible as well as shift our moods to a different directional path of our life. As a musician I have learned that creating music, and listening to music are a combination of elements that are endless. Music can be created, recreated, and manipulated in any possible way or form.

It was my first show. I've never gotten in front of any crowd, just my friends and family of course who would watch us in the garage, but this was different. Random people watching your music, criticizing it, or enjoying it. But that didn't matter to me, I just wanted to rock out with the three other guys that I walked in here with, and make sure that I gave it my all. It was time. We got on stage, got in the placements of our instruments, and played our music like we've never played it before. It was as if all of us were in tune and thinking and feeling the same emotion before the show. We were speaking to the people through our music. Letting them know who we are, and why were doing what were doing.

This is what I mean when I say Music is LIFE. Our personal affairs, the way we act, everything is in tune with the music that you were raised on.